





2017 has been an exciting year for AMD when it comes to graphics cards. In recent years, AMD GPUs have slowly fallen behind Nvidia in terms of performance and market share. However, with the release of the Radeon RX Vega series, AMD has made a strong comeback. In this article, we will discuss the key features and a**antages of AMD’s GPUs in 2017.

Increased Performance

One of the key features of the AMD Radeon RX 500 series is its performance. The RX 580, for example, is capable of delivering solid performance across a variety of games. Compared to the older RX 480, the RX 580 boasts higher clock speeds, improved power efficiency, and faster memory. These improvements result in higher FPS (frames per second) in many popular games.

Similarly, the RX Vega 56 and 64 are aimed at the high-end gaming market, competing with Nvidia’s GTX 1070 and 1080. The RX Vega 64, in particular, can deliver high FPS at 1440p and even 4K resolutions. This makes it an excellent choice for gamers who demand the best graphics performance available.


Another key a**antage of AMD GPUs in 2017 is their cost-effectiveness. Across the RX 500 series and RX Vega series, the prices are generally lower than comparable Nvidia GPUs. For example, the RX 580 can be purchased for around $300, while the GTX 1060 6GB typically costs around $350. Similarly, the RX Vega 56 offers comparable performance to the GTX 1070 at a lower price point (around $400 versus $450).

In addition to lower purchase prices, AMD GPUs also offer better value in terms of power consumption. The RX 580, for example, has a TDP (total thermal design power) of 185 watts, while the GTX 1060 draws 120 watts. Over time, the power savings with an AMD GPU can add up, resulting in lower energy bills for users.

AMD’s Software and Driver Support

AMD’s software and driver support has improved significantly in recent years. In 2017, the company introduced the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition. This software offers a number of features, including an easy-to-use interface and optimized game settings. The software also includes AMD’s Radeon Chill technology, which dynamically regulates frame rates based on in-game activity. This can result in lower power consumption and less heat generation.

AMD’s driver support has also improved in 2017, with more frequent updates and better compatibility with a wider range of games. The company has also introduced “Adrenalin Edition” drivers, which offer even more features and enhancements for gamers.


Overall, AMD’s GPUs in 2017 have made a strong case for themselves in terms of performance, cost-effectiveness, and software support. Whether you are a casual gamer or a ** enthusiast, there is likely an AMD GPU that will meet your needs. With the ongoing competition between AMD and Nvidia, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the graphics card market in the coming years.








AMD天梯图8650是AMD公司推出的一款显卡。它是“锐龙”系列处理器配合的显卡之一。天梯图是评测显卡性能的一个标准,AMD天梯图8650的评分为11764分,属于中端级别显卡。该显卡采用了14nm FinFET工艺,有4GB GDDR5显存和128-bit内存位宽,GPU主频为1393MHz,最大加速频率可以达到1545MHz。AMD天梯图8650采用了表面贴装技术,尺寸为215×126×39mm,额定功耗为120W。这个显卡在2020年初发布,当时市场售价约为900元,但目前在市场价格已经下跌到700元左右。







