





The E3 1230 v3 is a high-performance processor that is widely used in servers and workstations. This processor is known for its exceptional performance and reliability, and it is often used in demanding applications that require a lot of processing power. One of the key features of the E3 1230 v3 is its integrated memory controller, which plays a critical role in the overall performance of the processor.

Memory Controller Overview

The memory controller is a vital component of any processor, as it controls the flow of data to and from the memory subsystem. In the case of the E3 1230 v3, the memory controller is integrated directly into the processor die, providing a high-speed, low-latency connection between the processor cores and the memory modules.

The E3 1230 v3 features a dual-channel memory controller, which allows it to support up to 32GB of DDR3 memory. This means that the processor can access data from two memory modules simultaneously, which helps to improve overall system performance. In addition, the E3 1230 v3 supports a wide range of memory frequencies, ranging from 800MHz to 1600MHz.

Benefits of the Integrated Memory Controller

The main benefit of having an integrated memory controller is that it reduces memory access latency, as data can be transferred directly between the processor and the memory modules without having to go through a separate chipset. This can have a significant impact on system performance, particularly in applications that require a lot of memory access, such as scientific computing, content creation, and virtualization.

In addition, having an integrated memory controller can help to reduce power consumption, as the processor does not have to communicate with an external chipset to access the memory modules. This can lead to lower overall power consumption and improved energy efficiency, which is particularly important in data center environments where energy costs can be a significant expense.


The E3 1230 v3 is a high-performance processor that is renowned for its exceptional performance and reliability. One of the key features of this processor is its integrated memory controller, which provides a high-speed, low-latency connection between the processor cores and the memory modules. This can have a significant impact on system performance, particularly in applications that require a lot of memory access. Moreover, having an integrated memory controller can also help to reduce power consumption and improve energy efficiency, making it an ideal processor for data center environments where energy costs are a key consideration.


IT之家 4 月 24 日消息,联想 Yoga Pro 系列价格正式公布,今日开启首发,晒单送一年延保,还送 YOGA 鼠标。

YOGA Pro 系列包括 14s 普通版以及 14s / 16s 至尊版。该系列笔记本属于高性能产品,搭载英特尔 H45 处理器,最高可选 i9 处理器以及 RTX 4060 显卡:

YOGA Pro 14s 高能本 — 首发¥7999 起

YOGA Pro 14s 至尊版 — 首发价¥11999

YOGA Pro 16s 至尊版 — 首发价¥12999

YOGA Pro14s 高能本采用了“日光映潮”(蓝底橙光)配色,而 YOGA Pro 至尊版则为“银河夜航”(深空灰)配色。

入门级机型采用了英特尔酷睿 i5-13500H、32GB 内存、1TB 固态硬盘、3K 120Hz 100% P3 / SRGB 双色域大屏,首发价 7999 元;进阶版升级为 i7-13700H 处理器,首发价 8699 元。

至尊版搭载了英特尔酷睿 i9-13905H 处理器、RTX 4060 独显、32GB 内存、1TB 固态硬盘,14.5 英寸机型 11999 元,16 英寸机型 12999 元。

IT之家发现,YOGA Pro 16s 的屏幕相比 14s 更加豪华,该机型采用了 3.2K 分辨率大屏,可实现 48~165Hz 自适应刷新率去,其他方面几乎完全相同。

还有一点,至尊版机型还将提供 2 Type-A+Type-C+HDMI + 全尺寸读卡器以及 3.5mm **孔等接口,不过 Pro 14s 多一个 C 口,而 Pro16s 则采用了方形的电源接口。





淄博**网讯 (全媒体记者赵晓雯 通讯员刘晨阳)大学生购买笔记本电脑,却在短时间内频频出现主板烧坏的现象需要维修,日前,高青县市场监管局成功调解一起消费**,使得持续了一年多之久的矛盾双方握手言和。











【1818黄金眼】“杭城百邦”维修后 电脑还是吱吱响



