



404.Joy is BMW

405.Go with Visa

406.Enjoy Coca Cola

407.Das auto(VW)

408.Go beyond(陆虎)

409.Keep walking(尊尼获加)

410.Live young(依云)

411.Live Fast(DIESEL)

412.Be stupid(DIESEL)

413.Dirty Jobs(DIESEL)

414.We share(**人寿**)

415.Start ahead(飘柔)

416.Let’s color(多乐士)

417.Think different(苹果)

418.Think **all(大众甲壳虫)

419.Generation Next(百事新一代)

420.Connecting people(诺基亚)

421.Beyond petroleum(BP)


423.Dirt is good(OMO奥妙)

424.This is how(西门子)

425.”How are you?” ( Vodafone)

426.Life is good(LG)

427.Life is for share(T-mobile)

428.We are animals(Wrangles)

429.Just do it(NIKE)

430.Ideas for life(松下)

431.Open your mind(**art)

432.Sense and simplicity(飞利浦)

433.Ask for more(百事)

434.Yes,We Can(奥巴马竞选)

435.Sheer driving pleasure(宝马)

436.sheer driving pleasure纯粹驾驶乐趣

437.ultimate driving machine终极座驾

438.Impos**ie is nothing(ADIDAS)

439.Adidas is all in(ADIDAS)

440.Citi never sleeps(花旗银行)

441.Human after all(DIESEL)

442.For successful living(DIESEL)

443.Global warming ready(DIESEL)

444.The best or nothing(奔驰)

445.The World Local Bank(汇丰银行)

446.Our Energy is your Energy(道达尔)

447.Your Journey,Our Passion(普利斯通)

448.Uniquely Singapore(新加坡**)

449.Endless Japan(日本**)

450.Hello 加拿大

451.Self Made Man

452.From Kindle, Fire is born 知识薪火相传 kindle fire

453.wake up to life 雀巢

454.”If it’s on, it’s in.” — Radio Times, MCBD

455.Live by it(哈雷)

456.The World Is In Play(索尼PS Vita)

457.Never Stop Playing(索尼PS Vita)

458.Long live play(索尼PS Vita)

459.Life is a game(索尼PS Vita)

460.We are champions! (休斯顿火箭)

461.Be Part Of Something BIG(休斯顿火箭)

462.Are You in(休斯顿火箭)

463.The start of some thing big(休斯顿火箭)

464.Let‘s become BIG! Let‘s be BIG! (休斯顿火箭)

465.It‘s time! (休斯顿火箭)

466.Get Red! (休斯顿火箭)

